英 [frm] 美 [frm]
介词(表示时间)从…; (表示原因)因为; (表示来源)来自…; (表示分离)与…分离[隔开]
1. He wasn't ill; he stayed in bed from laziness.
2. He is trembling from fear.
3. Steel is made from iron.
4. He rose from office boy to managing director in fifteen years.
5. Flour is made from wheat.
1. 从…(减去或扣除)
If you take something from an amount, you reduce the amount by that much.
e.g. The 103 is deducted from Mrs Adams' salary every month...
这 103 英镑每月从亚当斯夫人的工资里扣掉。
e.g. Three from six leaves three.
6 减去 3 得 3。
2. 离开;不在
From is used in expressions such as away from or absent from to say that someone or something is not present in a place where they are usually found.
e.g. Her husband worked away from home a lot...
e.g. Jo was absent from the house all the next day.
3. 从…(回来)
If you return from a place or an activity, you return after being in that place or doing that activity.
e.g. My son Colin has just returned from Amsterdam.
e.g. ...a group of men travelling home from a darts match.
4. (已经)从…(回来)
If you are back from a place or activity, you have left it and have returned to your former place.
e.g. Our economics correspondent, James Morgan, is just back from Germany...
e.g. One afternoon when I was home from school, he asked me to come to see a movie with him.
5. 从…(看到或听到)
If you see or hear something from a particular place, you are in that place when you see it or hear it.
e.g. Visitors see the painting from behind a plate glass window...
e.g. Viewed from above, the valleys form the shape of a man.
out from under怎么样翻译的
翻译是在准确(信)、通顺(达)、优美(雅)的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。翻译是将一种相对陌生的表达方式,转换成相对熟悉的表达方式的过程。以下是小编为大家收集的out from under怎么样翻译的,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。
out from under的翻译
英 [aut frm nd] 美 [at frm nd]
out from under 基本解释
out from under的单语例句
1. The move literally pulled the runway out from under Miss America and led to a cascade of problems threatening its future.
2. Officials point out that the sick cow came from Canada, although the case remains under investigation.
3. Wear a light colored hat when going out under the sunshine to avoid the sun's rays from shining directly on your head.
4. Bringing the reactors at the plant under control will require permanently restoring cooling systems knocked out by the tsunami that prevent reactors from dangerously overheating.
5. A police officer reached Li and used a rope to tie his hands to help pull him out from under the culvert.
6. Johnson was able to roll out from under the collapsed debris but cut her foot on glass from a shattered window.
7. In China, sports marketers can find the rug pulled out from under them.
8. Passersby set to work digging the injured friends out from under the rubble.
9. The house was pulled out from under him and when it was over, he was on bare ground.
10. Finally, she wiggled out from under a heavy blanket and out of the machine.
out from under的双语例句
1. The twigs of it were growing thickly. I made use of it to screen myself, climbed the tree slowly and lightly. When I thought that I could catch the little bird Ihold breath, stretched out my arm to the bird's legs under it, three inches left, two inches left, when it was only one inch left from my finger to the bird's legs, the little clever bird saw my evil hand, was too surorised and flew away while screaming.
2. Park fees are low basically, Kam-ri Yes, the southern suburbs of the park not to money, play tired, out on the Kam-ri buy snacks, it also can go to Temple, fees are not high, and then Park浣花溪go out to play, then it is a wonderful place, away from the close, direct hit, or drive 79 to少陵under way, under the walk.
3. The desulfurization experiments were carried out by using highly active absorbent prepared from CaO, FA and additives at a circulating fluidized bed, physical model of circulating fluidized bed under fast fluidization was established by the ***ysis of velocity and concentration distribution in reactor.
4. Mini takes Yat to the beach and from the underground, she digs out a knife and push towards Yat. She said, every man that hurts her would be buried under the tree....
5. On the banks she saw green hills covered with beautiful vines; palaces and castles peeped out from amid the proud trees of the forest; she heard the birds singing, and the rays of the sun were so powerful that she was obliged often to dive down under the water to cool her burning face.
Retraining From Speech(默不作声)
阴暗世界 难看 到光芒
身处地方 只剩有 虚伪
太多的谎言 缠绕在耳边
眼角的泪水 擦去后新生
伸手拨剑 斩断一切的厌恶
不管对错 撕破现实的法则
被命运束缚 遭到嘲讽
挣脱枷锁 划出梦织中幻想
许下承诺 不让吹散为虚幻
脚下道路 又让 人彷徨
世人冷眼 感觉着 无助
太多的走错 失去了所有
孤独的行走 自我入堕落
遮蔽双眼 审判地狱的罪恶
无论抉择 坚信自己的脚步
被世界背叛 受到欺骗
狞笑抬头 起剑刺穿出污秽
手中愆殇 见证冷漠地消亡
活着意义 是承受 罪过
忧伤消愁 为何 不放弃
摧残的信念 伤透着内心
丢下的昨天 明日又重演
刻下希望 揭开阳光的撒照
剑上亮光 印留曾经的回忆
被天空唾弃 疲倦睡去
雨水淋洗 唤醒沉醉的意识
挥剑斩开 让梦篡位成现实
今日的我 不会再迷茫
离落身影 回想看绝望
镜里的我 默视地破碎
时光足迹 难寻到过往
右腕伤痕 换来诺言的 兑现
愆殇之刺 划起世界的 黎明
伸手拨剑 斩断一切的 厌恶
不管对错 撕破现实的 法则
遮蔽双眼 审判地狱的 罪恶
无论抉择 坚信自己的 脚步
刻下希望 揭开阳光的 撒照
剑上亮光 印留曾经的 回忆
★1☆ Themostterribleenemyisnostrongbelief.最可怕的敌人是没有坚强的信念。
★2☆ .Growsmoreeveryday丶你对我的爱一天比一天深
★3☆ Fromnowon,Iwillexpectnothing,andjusttakewhatIget.从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。
★4☆ Theroadtoalovershouseisneverlong.通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。
★5☆ Nothingimprovesthememorymorethantryingtoforget.令记忆深刻的最好方法,就是试图去忘记。
★6☆ Embracethegloriousmessthatyouare.无论如何,拥抱活得一团糟的自己。
★7☆ .Tearsarewordstheheartcantsay.眼泪是心里无法诉说的言辞。
★8☆ Nottopay,toknownotoverdosth.得不到的付出,要懂得适可而止。
★9☆ .Doesnotbelongtome,Iwillletgo不属于我的我会离开.
★10☆ Seethesunasseenfromyou.看见你就像看见太阳
★11☆ Sidetogiveup,whileloveyou.一边放弃,一边爱你。
★12☆ ifjustlikewhyinflatedintolove.如若只是喜欢何必夸大成爱。
1.Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.令记忆深刻的最好方法,就是试图去忘记。
2.Embrace the glorious mess that you are. 无论如何,拥抱活得一团糟的自己。
3.From now on,I will expect nothing, and just take what I get.从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。
4.See the sun as seen from you.看见你就像看见太阳
5.Side to give up, while love you. 一边放弃,一边爱你。
6.if just like why inflated into love. 如若只是喜欢何必夸大成爱。
7.The road to a lover's house is never long.通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。
8.Not to pay, to know not overdo sth.得不到的付出,要懂得适可而止。
9.The most terrible enemy is no strong belief. 最可怕的敌人是没有坚强的信念。
10.Tears are words the heart can't say.眼泪是心里无法诉说的言辞。
11.Does not belong to me,I will let go不属于我的 我会离开.
12.Grows more everyday丶你对我的爱一天比一天深