From socks to paint, from bedsheets to gold-lamé screen-goddess gowns, the world has bought—and bought and bought—into Ralph Lauren's vision of the good life. What the boy from the Bronx began in 1967 as a collection of fashionably wide ties under
灵魂之音,愿如我心。 及此及彼,愿不相离。 *生所依,唯君而已。 爱为何意,日思夜觅。 暮光黯淡,长夜漫漫。 琴声又响,小调舒畅。 今宵难忘,寄我微光。 携君在旁,共语低囔。 我念君兮,君思我否? 寂如潮涨,无言相望。