员工专用 Staff Only剧照图片集锦,员工专用 Staff Only剧照图片合集. A 17-year-old girl spends the Christmas holidays in Senegal with her brother and father. Tired of planned trips and the ceremonious actions of the hotel employees, as well as her father's behavior, she opens the door to the staff area and discovers a world that, although previously undiscovered, allows her to develop close and complex relationships.
铁路员工 Il Ferroviere剧照图片集锦,铁路员工 Il Ferroviere剧照图片合集. 火车司机安得利亚出于自已的性格问题,和他的家人闹翻而使家人弃他而去。同时由于他在事业上的失意和与同事之间的误解使得他非常失意,于是他到处流浪,过着靡烂的生活。后来妻子儿女都回到家里,还有他的同事也都原谅了他并与他一同过了一个热闹的圣诞节。当同事们走后,他走进房里,弹起了吉他,脸上露出幸福的表情。但因为以前的生活对他的身体产生了严重的影响,最后他安详的死去了。编剧兼主演的皮特洛杰米透过儿童纯稚的心灵,描述了家庭的悲欢离合及两代之间亲情的流露,是一部极有深度而且富于情感的文艺伦理巨片,主题曲也很受欢迎。