森系品牌-minä perhonen Minä Perhonen was founded in 2003 by head designer Akira Minagawa. The design label is perceived as one of the most prestigious of Japan. Minä Perhonen is internationally known for its timeless design and associated with sustainability and craftsmanship re-using subtle details in multiple collections.
世界上有什么东西可以让人瞬间忘记一切的烦恼和痛苦?世界上有什么东西最能代表对美好明天的期许和祈盼?世界上有什么东西最常用来形容幸福的生活和情感?在云朵儿似的绒毛萌宠爱米莉看来这些都是那些超级美味的甜点~爱米莉开心地说:“I love 甜点!”然后扑到了形形色色的甜品上,抱抱~蹭蹭~舔舔……这组爱米莉i甜点壁纸,萌翻你没?