让我们一同来走进热爱音乐,绘画和生活的Lucy Salgado 的小世界吧。I like being surprised, finding things for myself. This is what makes me so passionate about art. For me, art is the same as life – it’s an ever-lasting exploration of possibilities.
让我们一同来走进热爱音乐,绘画和生活的Lucy Salgado 的小世界吧。I like being surprised, finding things for myself. This is what makes me so passionate about art. For me, art is the same as life – it’s an ever-lasting exploration of possibilities.
让我们一同来走进热爱音乐,绘画和生活的Lucy Salgado 的小世界吧。I like being surprised, finding things for myself. This is what makes me so passionate about art. For me, art is the same as life – it’s an ever-lasting exploration of possibilities.
让我们一同来走进热爱音乐,绘画和生活的Lucy Salgado 的小世界吧。I like being surprised, finding things for myself. This is what makes me so passionate about art. For me, art is the same as life – it’s an ever-lasting exploration of possibilities.