Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equivalent or greater benefit.每一次不幸、每一次失败、每一次心痛都会孕育同样或更大的成功。 We all fall for pricks. They’re spontaneous, unpredictable and fun. Then we’re surprised when they turn out to be pricks.我们都会爱上混蛋的,他们很有野性,难于捉摸而且有趣,但发现他们是混蛋时我们依旧
《一人有一点颜色》反乌托邦,对最*的研究课题算帮助。题材很精巧,色彩变幻令人难忘。btw:片尾曲太赞了。(fiona apple版“across the universe“)go out just let it be,noting‘s gonna changed your world except yourself。well i had a good day。