寄生魔种 Parasite剧照图片集锦,寄生魔种 Parasite剧照图片合集. Paul Dean has created a deadly parasite that is now attached to his stomach. He and his female companion, Patricia Welles, must find away to destroy it while also trying to avoid Ricus and his rednecks and an evil government agent named Merchant.
蝎尾谋杀案 a coda dello scorpione剧照图片集锦,蝎尾谋杀案 La coda dello scorpione剧照图片合集.<br >故事讲述了商人伯莫死亡,推测他的死因是由于飞机失事,他的妻子丽萨因此发财。保险公司开始对此事进行调查的时候,他们开始怀疑丽萨。他们派出调查员彼得去确定丽萨说的是否属实。后来丽萨死亡,保险金不见,一个又一个的人因此受害,大家将会看到调查员彼得将如何完成自己的任务。