Jack was born without eyes. He's very lucky with his timing. He grew up having other kittens to play and socialize with, and was used to people from the moment he was born since there are always kids hanging around the barn. He was a favorite amongst the students at the barn. Howev
Destiny is something we've invented because we can't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.命运是我们发明的,因为我们无法忍受一切事情的发生都是偶然的。They knew it. Time, distance, nothing could separate them because they knew it was right. It was real. It was... 那时候人们懂得爱。时间、距离,什么都不能将他们分开,因为他
想要优秀,你要接受挑战;想要尽快优秀,就要寻找挑战;敢听真话,需要勇气;敢说真话,需要魄力;与其想成为什么样的人物,不如磨练自己做一个努力的人。如果还有一个人相信我,那么我就不会疯 绚烂的烟花从天空四散而落,众人仰头观望时,忽然看见那一朵美丽的花里,有最灿烂的光芒闪现,一瞬间,漫天的烟花都为之黯然!在诗意飘香的路口,回首,寻觅曾经的美好。驻足中看见记忆的碎片,只字片语中,解读过去的沧桑。对他而言,也许最痛的不是看到她在高墙那边快乐或忧伤,而是,从此不管她有多大的快乐或多小的悲伤,都与他无关。愿有人给你波澜不惊的爱情,陪你看细水常流的风景。I do not know where to go,b