郁金香(学名:Tulipa gesneriana),百合科郁金香属的草本植物,是土耳其、哈萨克斯坦、荷兰的国花。英文名:Flower of Common Tulip, Flower of Late Tulip ,中药名称:郁金香《本草拾遗》;郁金香《太*御览》;红蓝花、紫述香《纲目》。花叶3-5枚,条状披针形至卵状披针状,花单朵顶生,大型而艳丽,花被片红色或杂有白色和黄色,有时为白色或黄色,长5-7厘米,宽2-4厘米,6枚雄蕊等长,花丝无毛,无花柱,柱头增大呈鸡冠状,花期4-5月。郁金香世界各地均有种植,是荷兰、新西兰、伊朗、土耳其、土库曼斯坦等国的国花,被称为世界花后,成为代表时尚和国际化的一个符号。
遗忘的风景:雕塑“闪灵” View from the Overlook: Crafting 'The Shining'剧照图片集锦,遗忘的风景:雕塑“闪灵” View from the Overlook: Crafting 'The Shining'剧照图片合集. This documentary tells the story behind the making of Kubrick's rich tale of psychological horror and supernatural evil. It also explores why the film stands the test of time and why The Shining continues to dazzle and terrify audiences, more than two decades after its release.