白金色,LukeAgyness Deyn,亚麻白金色头发图片 就是人们所说的洋娃娃发色女生白金色头发图片 白金色头发好看吗 白金色头发,女生白金色,白金色,金色裤子牛仔裤壁纸金色的玉米田走壁纸金色圣诞球和丝带壁纸人物,白金金发,服装,迷你裙(platinum blonde,minidress)壁纸图片黑色金色蛋糕jojo的奇妙冒险#承太郎#白金承#承花#白金绿…jojo的奇妙冒险#承太郎#白金承#承花#白金绿…#金色婚鞋#Valentino,how about this for y…发色 金色雪山下的金色麦田图片 其他种类的植物,麦田,农作物,雪山,金色,
Birth Date: December 26, ***
Country of origin: United Kingdom
From London, England, interests include skateboarding
Close friends with Cole Mohr
Currently engaged to rock legend Ozzy Osbourne's daughter Kelly Osbourne
Some of Luke's past campaigns/covers include:
S/S 08 Marc Jacobs
S/S 08 Topman
S/S 08 Custo Barcelona
Dazed + Confused Cover (2 times)
Arena Homme + Cover S/S 08 by Juergen Teller