Leon: Listen to me, listen to me, listen to me, we have no chance together, but if I'm alone I can do it, trust me, I'm in good shape Mathilda, I know I worked a lot of money with Tony, a lot, we'll take it and leave together, just the two of us, okay? Go!
Mathilda: No! You just say that so that I won't worry! I don't wanna lose you Leon!
Leon: You're not gonna lose me Mathilda, you've given me a taste for life, I wanna be happy, sleep in a bed, have roots, you'll never be alone again Mathilda. Please, go now baby, go. Calm down, calm down. Go. Go. See you at Tony's. I'm gonna clean them all. Tony's in one hour. I love you, Mathilda.
Mathilda: I love you too, Leon.