马尔科姆先生的清单 Mr. Malcolm's List剧照图片集锦,马尔科姆先生的清单 Mr. Malcolm's List剧照图片合集. 本片讲述19世纪初英国的一位年轻女士(陈饰)与一位神秘富有的追求者马尔科姆先生(索佩·迪瑞苏饰)求爱的故事,然而她却不知道马尔科姆的清单中有许多未来妻子难以实现的要求。该片由艾玛·霍利·琼斯执导。
蒂斯先生的邪念 The Immoral Mr. Teas剧照图片集锦,蒂斯先生的邪念 The Immoral Mr. Teas剧照图片合集. Mr. Teas is a door to door salesman for dentists' appliances. Everywhere he goes he encounters beautiful "well-developed" nude women, which of course stir his interest. The only sound in the film is the voice of a narrator and a very monotonic musical theme played on the clarinet or some similar instrument.