我和奥逊·威尔斯 Me and Orson Welles剧照图片集锦,我和奥逊·威尔斯 Me and Orson Welles剧照图片合集. 在1937年的纽约,17岁的理查德·萨缪尔一心想当演员,十分厌烦学校的生活。一个巧合的机会,他遇到了舞台导演奥逊·威尔斯,并加入了威尔斯导演的莎士比亚舞台剧《尤利乌斯·恺撒》的排演。在剧组,他遇到了也对舞台充满渴望的桑妮亚。理查德爱上了桑妮亚,但当向她表白时,桑妮亚却表示她愿意跟威尔斯在一起。他终于察觉桑妮亚为了实现她的舞台梦想而愿意与威尔斯进行**易。理查德与威尔斯大吵了一架,并被驱逐出剧团……
蒂斯先生的邪念 The Immoral Mr. Teas剧照图片集锦,蒂斯先生的邪念 The Immoral Mr. Teas剧照图片合集. Mr. Teas is a door to door salesman for dentists' appliances. Everywhere he goes he encounters beautiful "well-developed" nude women, which of course stir his interest. The only sound in the film is the voice of a narrator and a very monotonic musical theme played on the clarinet or some similar instrument.