Portishead:纽约玫瑰岛舞厅现场 Portishead:Roseland NYC Live剧照图片集锦,Portishead:纽约玫瑰岛舞厅现场 Portishead:Roseland NYC Live剧照图片合集. PNYC: Portishead - Roseland New York
Portishead concert in the Roseland Ballroom, New York City, on the 24th July 1997 with tracks from the albums "Dummy" and "Portishead" played by the band and a 30 piece orchestra.
饥饿鬼岛 Island of the Hungry Ghosts剧照图片集锦,饥饿鬼岛 Island of the Hungry Ghosts剧照图片合集. 在印度洋的一座孤岛上,陆地蟹成群地自丛林向海洋迁徙。在同一片丛林中,隐藏着一间澳大利亚的拘留中心,几千名寻求庇护者被长期关押于此。他们与外界唯一的联系仰仗于精神创伤咨询师波赫·林·李。