地心历险记 Where Time Began剧照图片集锦,地心历险记 Where Time Began剧照图片合集. Like in the novel of Jules Verne four persons try to get to the centre of the world by entering into a world of caves by a volcano. On their way they discover among other things also prehistoric animals like some dinosaurs.
变形记 Metamorfosis剧照图片集锦,变形记 Metamorfosis剧照图片合集. One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that in bed he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug. As he lifted his head up a little, he realised the real form of the criature and its numerous legs. “What’s happened to me,” he thought. (Indie Lisboa 2005 website)