三层楼的女孩 Girl on the Third Floor剧照图片集锦,三层楼的女孩 Girl on the Third Floor剧照图片合集. Don Koch tries to renovate a rundown mansion with a sordid history for his growing family, only to learn that the house has other plans.
下一层 Next Floor剧照图片集锦,下一层 Next Floor剧照图片合集. 在一间光线不甚明朗的房间内,长长的餐桌上摆放着极度奢华的美味盛宴,衣着考究的客人低头埋首,大快朵颐,风卷残云一般销蚀着桌上的美食。这些客人有的身穿军装,有的如同贵族,有的似乎是宗教领袖,无一例外的是每个人身上都满是灰尘,好像刚刚经历着一场莫大的灾难。食物一盘盘端了上来,盘子上满是动物血淋淋的尸体和内脏。客人们宛如饕餮无度的饿鬼,旁若无人地不断进食。就在此时,地板突然断裂,客人连同餐桌跌落到下一层。服务人员们淡定自若地迁到下一层,简单打扫后宴会继续。
第七层楼的诡异 Séptimo剧照图片集锦,第七层楼的诡异 Séptimo剧照图片合集. A father gets into a desperate search to find his children who disappeared while going down stairs from their apartment in the seventh floor.