如果说童话是我们成长过程中不可或缺的一部分,那么迪士尼动画电影系列则是让童话成真的经典之作。从白雪公主到睡美人,从狮子王到花木兰……这些经典的迪士尼卡通形象伴随着一代又一代孩子们渡过美好的童年。而随着 3D 电影热潮加入迪士尼家族的新成员“长发公主”(出自《魔发奇缘》,2010)、“梅莉达公主”(出自《勇敢传说》,2012)也正在续写着迪士尼的童话传奇。
由*面设计师 Eurydyka Kata 和 Rafal Szczawinski 组成的 2 人设计团队“re:design”从迪士尼经典中获得灵感,重新为这些动画电影设计了系列海报,将他们擅长的极简主义元素发挥得淋漓尽致。
世界上所有的女人 Todas as Mulheres do Mundo剧照图片集锦,世界上所有的女人 Todas as Mulheres do Mundo剧照图片合集. Womanizer suddenly finds a woman who makes him change the way he looks at women. He falls in love, and believes she is in fact all women in one. Because of that, he has to face an important decision: to go on with his old life or embrace this special relationship and become a monogamous man.