钢铁指环 Ring of Steel剧照图片集锦,钢铁指环 Ring of Steel剧照图片合集. 由“MCA Universal"电影公司出品,戴维.弗洛斯特导演。一场赌博的剑术比赛于某夜总会内举行,表面看来这只是逗观众开心的赛事,谁知其背后竟然蕴藏着重大的阴谋。当阿历发觉自己陷入圈套时,打算拒绝参加,但最后他迫于无奈不得不出赛,而唯一能胜对手的方法就将对方打败。本片将一个剑术比赛放在夜总会举行,而且还牵扯上一个重大的阴谋,可谓是极为有趣,拍摄场面也是相当热闹,值得一看。
孽扣 Dead Ringer剧照图片集锦,孽扣 Dead Ringer剧照图片合集. Broke Edith murders and assumes the identity of her recently widowed, well-to-do twin sister Margaret, who had married Edith's former flame 20 years before. Can she fool the servants and the authorities and keep her new-found wealth?