危机:总统之诺 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment剧照图片集锦,危机:总统之诺 Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment剧照图片合集. Governor George Wallace will not let two black students into an Alabama school, against the wishes of President Kennedy. Loud shouts come from both sides of the issue as JFK stands by his decisions.
比夜更黑 Más negro que la noche剧照图片集锦,比夜更黑 Más negro que la noche剧照图片合集. Greta搬進了剛逝去的姑姑家中,開始和朋友們舉辦狂歡派對。而原本一群人將在豪宅裡度過此生最快樂的夏日時光,情況卻在姑姑珍貴的貓淹死於泳池後急轉直下...她們陷入了一場生死之戰。