总有一种记忆,每每想起,温暖如昔,总有一个人,默默相伴,不离不弃,总有一种感情,不关乎风月,却浓于爱情?第一次当喷子。。。。有。。。有点紧张,我。。。我开始了啊。。。你。。。你算哪块小饼干…对不起,我是不是有点过分,对…对不起,啊!妈妈我骂人了,我好怕,警察叔叔会不会把我抓走啊?呜呜呜…Accept what was and what is, and you ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.爱一个人有多苦只有自己最清楚,负出了全部青春以荒误原来只是一个错误,我也不想装糊涂却又不得不认输,错过的情人还有谁能够留住,我也只能够
【认可】威廉加迪斯 。He was the only person caught in the collapse, and afterward, most of his work was recovered too, and it is still spoken of, when it is noted, with high regard, though seldom played.