伊庭树(又翻译为:伊庭一木)(いば いつき i ba i tu ki):福山润“阿斯特拉尔”现任社长,*时看起来很软弱的样子,似乎是伊庭司在树下捡到的所以取名为树(不是伊庭司的亲生儿子)。但其实身上持有魔法师们所垂涎的能力“妖精眼”,不过一般的妖精眼持有者都是双眼均为妖精眼,而树却是单眼,这种体质非常稀有。“妖精眼”所在的右眼*时是用眼罩遮住封印起来的,即使带着眼罩也能看到咒力的流动。在眼罩揭开之后,性格会发生很大变化,这一点却是其他的妖精眼持有者所没有的现象。在幼时看到龙之卵,而且复制下设置在龙中的魔法。(是<螺旋之蛇>的魔法师为“禁忌”而设置的,所以树也被<协会>认定为使用了“禁忌”的魔法。)
这儿的树 Trees Down Here剧照图片集锦,这儿的树 Trees Down Here剧照图片合集. In this short film of Cowan Court, Rivers has turned his camera onto the interactions between architecture and landscape within which the students of Churchill College, University of Cambridge live and work.
身体树 The Body Tree剧照图片集锦,身体树 The Body Tree剧照图片合集. When a group of Americans travel to Russian Siberia to honor the memory of their murdered friend, they uncover a plot that threatens all their lives.
凶眼 Malocchio剧照图片集锦,凶眼 Malocchio剧照图片合集. The police has to face some extremely brutal murders. How is the rich playboy Peter Crane (Jorge Rivero) involved in this? He suffers from horrible nightmares that make him believe that he is responsible for these murders