遗忘的风景:雕塑“闪灵” View from the Overlook: Crafting 'The Shining'剧照图片集锦,遗忘的风景:雕塑“闪灵” View from the Overlook: Crafting 'The Shining'剧照图片合集. This documentary tells the story behind the making of Kubrick's rich tale of psychological horror and supernatural evil. It also explores why the film stands the test of time and why The Shining continues to dazzle and terrify audiences, more than two decades after its release.
它是活尸3:活尸岛 It's Alive III: Island of the Alive剧照图片集锦,它是活尸3:活尸岛 It's Alive III: Island of the Alive剧照图片合集. 刚生下来的孩子竟然是怪物,贾维斯的儿子就是这样。对待这孩子的方法有两种,一种是杀死他,还有一种就是把他送到一个孤岛上去,让他和同类们自生自灭,贾维斯不得不做出选择……