罗伯和罗恩 Rob 'n' Ron剧照图片集锦,罗伯和罗恩 Rob 'n' Ron剧照图片合集. 肃杀危险的美国西部小镇,镇中央孤零零地伫立着一栋小木屋。房间内强盗大哥罗伯正策划一次惊天大劫案,一旦成功干下这笔买卖,他和弟弟罗恩的赏金将有望大幅度提高。这时罗恩端来下午茶,忙中出错将茶杯大破,罗恩为此哇哇大哭。哥哥连忙安慰他,对他说要去抢劫装着金钱的存钱罐,只要有了钱就能换来新的茶壶和茶杯。
安托尼奥之死 O Dragão da Maldade contra o Santo Guerreiro剧照图片集锦,安托尼奥之死 O Dragão da Maldade contra o Santo Guerreiro剧照图片合集. Antonio of the Death is a "cangaceiros" killer. Cangaceiro is the local name for a popular leader. Antonio is hired to kill the one who seems to be the last one in the Pirahna's Valley. This man is being followed by a strange woman who is considered a Saint. Once Antonio has killed the Cangaceiro, he changes his way of thinking when listening to the Saint's words.