早安 再见! Good Morning... and Goodbye!剧照图片集锦,早安 再见! Good Morning... and Goodbye!剧照图片合集. 《早安,再見》為羅斯·梅爾1967年作品。富翁巴特娶了少婦安吉拉做老婆,安吉拉因為愛上了巴特的財富才委身下嫁給這老頭。婚後發現,巴特什麼都能滿足她,但是年老力衰,沒有滿意的性生活,以至於安吉拉尋找第三者,一個野蠻強壯名叫斯通的礦工。有一天巴特在叢林裡遇上了一個不會說話的神秘女人,這個女人改變了他的人生...
我的印度朋友 Meu Amigo Hindu剧照图片集锦,我的印度朋友 Meu Amigo Hindu剧照图片合集. Diego is very close to death, his humor goes from bad to worse and his friends and family start getting sick of it. After a few visits from a Common Man (Death), he survives. But that means he needs to relearn how to live.