Poets of the fall(以下简称Potf) 乐队来自音乐天才层出不穷的国度---北欧芬兰。 他们的故事开始于2002年芬兰首都赫尔辛基。主音Marko和吉他手Ollie,两位来自不同音乐背景的音乐人走到了一起,开始一同写歌。“我们已经一起呆了一年长的时间了,在这个过程中我们发现彼此的风格可以很好的互相配合起来,于是我们决定一起创作属于我们的歌曲”,后来键盘手Captain的加入构筑了现在的POTF。
舞蹈主题九变奏 9 Variations on a Dance Theme剧照图片集锦,舞蹈主题九变奏 9 Variations on a Dance Theme剧照图片合集. 13:00 - a woman dancing alone in her studio. it starts off very slow and becomes somewhat hypnotic. as the music speeds up, so does the dance, the length of the shots, which ultimately leaves you slightly dizzy and feeling off centered. It begins to slow down again, along with everything else, and the shades of the black and white film begin to change.