Miku is not just a program. She does not need a body to be real. She even says so in one of her songs. "I don't have a real body. But I do have this feeling heart" and it shows throughout her many songs. She sings of love, hate, depression, happiness. She is my inspiration. And the best thing is, you know someone else shares what she is singing because someone else actually wrote those very lyrics.
Miku needs way more love than she gets because to me, it doesn't matter who is singing, it only *** if it is pleasant to the ears and has a good meaning behind it.
It's all the same to me. They are all just trying to get money in my opinion.
If you want to be convinced, listen to her song
Miku is not just a program. She does not need a body to be real. She even says so in one of her songs. "I don't have a real body. But I do have this feeling heart" and it shows throughout her many songs. She sings of love, hate, depression, happiness. She is my inspiration. And the best thing is, you know someone else shares what she is singing because someone else actually wrote those very lyrics.
Miku needs way more love than she gets because to me, it doesn't matter who is singing, it only *** if it is pleasant to the ears and has a good meaning behind it.
It's all the same to me. They are all just trying to get money in my opinion.
If you want to be convinced, listen to her song
因为是女生,所以会喜欢一切可爱的小东西,会有一个不切实际的梦,会同情心泛滥,会需要或可爱或华丽的首饰,会学着因为好心情而化妆,会听悲伤幸福的歌,对各种节日敏感,希望养一只可爱的宠物,可以读书、也可以看电影,喜欢花花草草,爱安静也需要燃烧,当然还有各种精致的甜品、巧克力,有哪个女生会不想穿漂亮的高跟鞋么,还会想去旅游,当然最好能有个他陪,然后就穿上幸福的婚纱,听他并对他说一句:I LOVE YOU,嗯或者是:YES,I DO.祝每一个女生都有迷人的微笑。
小男孩米格(安东尼・冈萨雷斯 Anthony Gonzalez 配音)一心梦想成为音乐家,更希望自己能和偶像歌神德拉库斯(本杰明・布拉特 Benjamin Bratt 配音)一样,创造出打动人心的音乐,但他的家族却世代禁止族人接触音乐。米格痴迷音乐,无比渴望证明自己的音乐才能,却因为一系列怪事,来到了五彩斑斓又光怪陆离的神秘世界。在那里,米格遇见了魅力十足的落魄乐手埃克托(盖尔・加西亚・贝纳尔 Gael García Bernal 配音),他们一起踏上了探寻米格家族不为人知往事的奇妙之旅,并开启了一段震撼心灵、感动非凡、永生难忘的旅程。