英菲尼迪Vision Gran Turismo概念车的设计源于一场为“设计一款纯粹的英菲尼迪GT跑车”而开展的英菲尼迪全球内部竞赛。最终,北京设计中心的参赛作品在竞赛中摘得桂冠。这款概念车兼具优雅与野性,既威风气派又感性十足,设计风格大胆前卫,动力性能强劲澎湃,亦是中国设计团队为英菲尼迪倾力打造的理想赛车形象。
沥血金鹰 The New Centurions剧照图片集锦,沥血金鹰 The New Centurions剧照图片合集. An idealistic rookie cop joins the LAPD to make ends meet while finishing law school, and is indoctrinated by a seasoned veteran. As time goes on, he loses his ambitions and family as police work becomes his entire life
若阿金 Joaquim剧照图片集锦,若阿金 Joaquim剧照图片合集. A partly fictional, partly historical account of the life of Brazil's national hero Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, alias Tiradentes.