红犬历险记2:蓝犬 Red Dog: True Blue剧照图片集锦,红犬历险记2:蓝犬 Red Dog: True Blue剧照图片合集. An iconic Australian story of family, friendship and adventure, between a young boy and a scrappy one-of-a-kind dog that would grow up to become an Australian legend.
海底沉积猎奇:蓝碧海峡的海洋生物 Mucky Secrets The Marine Creatures of the Lembeh Strait剧照图片集锦,海底沉积猎奇:蓝碧海峡的海洋生物 Mucky Secrets: The Marine Creatures of the Lembeh Strait剧照图片合集.<br >
丁丁与蓝橙子 Tintin et les oranges bleues剧照图片集锦,丁丁与蓝橙子 Tintin et les oranges bleues剧照图片合集.br >本集,丁丁又有了新的探险。为了解决人类饥饿问题,卡尔库鲁斯和扎拉梅阿教授研制出了一种可在沙漠生长的蓝橙子。结果被别有用心之人将两人抓走囚禁起来,丁丁和他的伙伴们救出教授了么?他们又会有怎么样的冒险经历呢?