The themes in Audrey Kawasaki's work are contradictions within themselves. Her work is both innocent and erotic. Each subject is attractive yet disturbing. Audrey's precise technical style is at once influenced by both manga comics and Art Nouveau. Her sharp graphic imagery is combined with the natural grain of the wood panels she paints on, bringing an unexpected warmth to enigmatic subject matter.
The figures she paints are seductive and contain an air of melancholy. They exist in their own sensually esoteric realm, yet at the same time present a sense of accessibility that draws the observer to them. These mysterious young women captivate with the direct stare of their bedroom eyes.
2 years Pratt Institute, Brooklyn - Fine Arts Painting
Audrey updates her online journal frequently with new work, pieces in progress, information about shows and more.
Click here to visit Aud's Journal.
据海外消息指出,KAWASAKI谣传将在2009年一月初发表重大声明,这绝对不是川崎车迷希望成真的事,也就是KAWASAKI将宣布煺出MotoGP。目前仍不确定KAWASAKI的真正决定,但一般猜测此举动又是与全球经济危机、资金缺口有极大的关联性存在。回顾v史,KAWASAKI从2003年开始进军两轮最顶级赛事MotoGP,但是五年光阴已往,KAWASAKI仍未取得任何一场的单站冠军,最佳成绩分别出现在2005年(Olivier Jacque在上海站取得第二名)、2006(Shinya Nakano在法国站取得第二名)年与2007年(Randy de Puniet在日本站取得第二名)。