约翰·奥利弗上周今夜秀 第六季 Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 6剧照图片集锦,约翰·奥利弗上周今夜秀 第六季 Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Season 6剧照图片合集. Former Daily Show host and correspondent John Oliver brings his persona to this new weekly news satire program.
阿兰和诺米 Alan & Naomi剧照图片集锦,阿兰和诺米 Alan & Naomi剧照图片合集. Set in the forties. A young Jewish boy is called on by his parents to help a young girl come out of her shell, imposed after she watched her father die at the hands of the Nazis.
深夜秀 The Late Show剧照图片集锦,深夜秀 The Late Show剧照图片合集. Ira Wells 是一位处于半退休状态的私家侦探,他的搭档在调查一起案件时被人杀害,临死前,他告诉Ira Well已与人签下一个涉及到巨额资金的案件,但未及透露细节就去世了。搭档去世后,Ira Well心灰意冷,不再做私家侦探,直到一天在偶然的情况下,得知他的搭档最后调查的是某个案件,于是他找到那个案件的委托人--一位古怪的女人,和她一起对此案进行调查。