门多萨婚礼 Mariage à Mendoza剧照图片集锦,门多萨婚礼 Mariage à Mendoza剧照图片合集. Marcus and his brother Antoine land in Argentina to celebrate their cousin's wedding and to discover the pleasures of the capital, Buenos-Aires. Marcus is joyful, while Antoine, who has just been dumped, is completely down. Marcus is well decided to cheer up his little brother.
纽约一夜 A Night in New York剧照图片集锦,纽约一夜 A Night in New York剧照图片合集. 入夜,一位日本商人走进了一家披萨店。他观察着举止怪异而又充满着纽约气息的“纽约人们”各自用自己与众不同的方式吃着他们的披萨。这位商人心想自己才是那里唯一一个正常的人,于是他取笑其他人。然而要不了多久,人们就能发现,他自己也没有比其他人正常多少。