道连·格雷的画像 The Picture of Dorian Gray剧照图片集锦,道连·格雷的画像 The Picture of Dorian Gray剧照图片合集. Despite an increasingly sinful life, Dorian Gray keeps on looking young and handsome and innocent - but the portrait of him hidden in his attic keeps on changing.
人间失格 Less Than Human剧照图片集锦,人间失格 Less Than Human剧照图片合集. A freelance reporter ventures into a post-zombie resettlement camp and interviews two ex-zombies trying to find out whether ex-zombies are ready for reinsertion into normal society.
麦香 Il Sapore del Grano剧照图片集锦,麦香 Il Sapore del Grano剧照图片合集. 年轻英俊的青年洛伦佐(Lorenzo Lena 饰)毕业刚不久,就被分派到意大利偏远的村庄当小学教师。当地12岁农庄男孩杜里奥(Marco Mestriner 饰)青涩单纯,对洛伦佐有着特别的依恋。尽管洛伦佐很快交到女友,但与杜里奥一起在田间玩耍、散步、牵手,才是最让他 感到惬意的时刻。然而这段冲破年龄代沟的友谊引起了杜里奥家人的猜疑,原本真挚无邪的柏拉图之恋也因此而蒙上了阴影......敏感题材,诗意画面,惟有在80年代的欧洲才会昙花一现这样唯美独特的同性电影。