科尼剧照图片集锦,科尼剧照图片合集. 20年前的紐約市科尼島,一段如夢似幻的記憶;經歷了喪父之痛的小男孩與失去親人的宇航員,一段看似不可能卻陰錯陽差的緣份;潮起潮落掩蓋著時間的秘密,和沙粒一起流逝的是回不去的童年。他從哪裡來?又要去向何方?
A Chinese astronaut, a Chinese boy; one encounter, two journeys.
道连·格雷的画像 The Picture of Dorian Gray剧照图片集锦,道连·格雷的画像 The Picture of Dorian Gray剧照图片合集. Despite an increasingly sinful life, Dorian Gray keeps on looking young and handsome and innocent - but the portrait of him hidden in his attic keeps on changing.