黑胶 Vinyl剧照图片集锦,黑胶 Vinyl剧照图片合集. " adaptation of Anthony Burgess' a clockwork orange. staged in what seems to be a corner of Andy's Factory loft, where a knot of S&M kidnappers, languid dilettantes, plainclothesmen and JD's act out Burgess' fable of a thug's "cure" through mind control. The moralizing of Burgess' novel gets instantly burned away "
埃迪父亲的求爱 The Courtship of Eddie's Father剧照图片集锦,埃迪父亲的求爱 The Courtship of Eddie's Father剧照图片合集. Widower Tom Corbett must raise his son Eddie (originally seven) who is always scheming to get his dad remarried. Tom is a magazine publisher, Mrs. Livingston is his housekeeper, Tina is Tom's secretary, Norman is a photographer, and Joey is a friend of Eddie's
飞狗巴迪 Air Bud剧照图片集锦,飞狗巴迪 Air Bud剧照图片合集.男孩乔治·菲姆的父亲在一次试飞中因事故身亡,从此爱打篮球的乔治性格变得内向寡言,在学校经常被同学嘲讽和取笑。在搬家的路上他遇见了金毛猎犬巴迪,它刚刚摆脱主人的虐待。乔治回家以后,在后院的篮球场上打篮球的时候再次遇见巴迪,并发现巴迪也喜欢玩篮球。后来他将巴迪带回家,开始了新的生活。他的性格开始发生了转变。偶然的一次交谈中,他发现和自己一起打扫卫生的黑人大叔居然是曾经的著名球星阿瑟。阿瑟使他的球技蒸蒸日上,并教会了他很多做人的道理。在一次比赛中,巴迪的主人在电视上看到了这只会打篮球的狗原来就是他的,于是前往领取。乔治把巴迪救回以后将它放生到荒岛上,防止主人再次寻找到它。由于失去了巴迪,乔治在比赛中节节失利,后来巴迪意外出场使全队取得胜利。最后巴迪被法官公正地判给了乔治,这对好朋友从此以后再也不会分开……
猎黑行者 The Haunter of the Dark剧照图片集锦,猎黑行者 The Haunter of the Dark剧照图片合集. Alexey "Blake" Blochenkov goes to an old abandoned sanatorium to film a video for his blog. There, he lets out something horrible. An ancient evil. The Haunter Of The Dark.