蓝月亮曼城俱乐部桌面壁纸。曼彻斯特城足球俱乐部,简称“曼城”,绰号“蓝月亮”,口号是Superbia in Proelio,意为“战争的自豪”。2011—2012赛季,曼城首次夺得英超联赛冠军,时隔44年重新获得英格兰顶级联赛冠军。2013—2014赛季,曼城第二次夺得英格兰超级足球联赛冠军,这也是曼城球队历史的第四个顶级联赛冠军。
永远的莎曼珊 Samantha剧照图片集锦,永远的莎曼珊 Samantha剧照图片合集. Samantha is a normal woman leading a normal life... until she finds out her parents aren't really her parents. She and her friends go on a search for her biological mom & dad.
希曼的新冒险 The New Adventures of He-Man剧照图片集锦,希曼的新冒险 The New Adventures of He-Man剧照图片合集. 希曼在宇宙与星球间开始了他的新冒险。希曼依靠他那把万能的宝剑并驾驶飞船,与队友同邪恶的“垃圾人”战斗,一次次的挫败了“垃圾人”的阴谋。相比《宇宙的巨人希曼》,《希曼的新冒险》更加现代。不但希曼的造型有所改变,片中也增加了对太空战的描写。希曼的坐骑也不再是太空虎,换成了太空战机。
罗斯托夫 Ростов剧照图片集锦,罗斯托夫 Ростов剧照图片合集. The events reflected in the television series took place in reality. In the 20s of the last century, rampant crime reached its apogee. The city authorities could not restore order and therefore decided to resort to extraordinary measures: they recruit a recidivist thief named Trump to work at the police station. He is appointed head of the department. Now he is Ivan Kozyrev.