She was like a strawberry girl in my heart,She was so nice lady & I also appreciation of she's life style,It's make her more lively and cheerful. So I like her so much. She has a little dog that was so so so cute.May be our style was really different,but i believe we can make a good friend for each other
我现在的主人02 My Current Master 02剧照图片集锦,我现在的主人02 My Current Master 02剧照图片合集. 《我现在的主人02》是林科为一张来自网络的图片所制作的“自述”——它一边“穿行”在不同维度的虚拟空间,一边透过电脑的语音功能讲述了自己的来处、诞生/重生、存在。通过一段被赋予的拟人叙事,毫无实体的图像以另一种形式达到了“类人”的姿态。在这一作品中,可看到艺术家一贯的乍看之下颇为枯燥的桌面操作,以及其中暗藏的、来自极度个人化感受和虚拟空间观的微妙冷趣味。