奥菲的沉沦 Orpheus Descending剧照图片集锦,奥菲的沉沦 Orpheus Descending剧照图片合集. Val Xavier is a drifter in 1940’s Mississippi who brings new life to an Italian immigrant woman trapped in a loveless marriage.
安托尼奥之死 O Dragão da Maldade contra o Santo Guerreiro剧照图片集锦,安托尼奥之死 O Dragão da Maldade contra o Santo Guerreiro剧照图片合集. Antonio of the Death is a "cangaceiros" killer. Cangaceiro is the local name for a popular leader. Antonio is hired to kill the one who seems to be the last one in the Pirahna's Valley. This man is being followed by a strange woman who is considered a Saint. Once Antonio has killed the Cangaceiro, he changes his way of thinking when listening to the Saint's words.
玛丽闲事 María (y los demás)剧照图片集锦,玛丽闲事 María (y los demás)剧照图片合集. 玛丽亚十五岁时母亲就去世了,照顾全家的重担落在了她一个人身上。由于极强的控制欲,玛丽亚一直自豪于她在家里的地位。但当她得知父亲爱上了照顾他的护士并突然宣布订婚的时候,玛丽亚觉得她的生活就要分崩离析了。于是她便自甘堕落,离她的作家之梦也愈来愈远。她希望能在别的方面为家人发挥作用,却发现父亲已经不再需要她,她的生活也一直停滞不前,此时她才意识到是时候做出改变了。