因为是女生,所以会喜欢一切可爱的小东西,会有一个不切实际的梦,会同情心泛滥,会需要或可爱或华丽的首饰,会学着因为好心情而化妆,会听悲伤幸福的歌,对各种节日敏感,希望养一只可爱的宠物,可以读书、也可以看电影,喜欢花花草草,爱安静也需要燃烧,当然还有各种精致的甜品、巧克力,有哪个女生会不想穿漂亮的高跟鞋么,还会想去旅游,当然最好能有个他陪,然后就穿上幸福的婚纱,听他并对他说一句:I LOVE YOU,嗯或者是:YES,I DO.祝每一个女生都有迷人的微笑。
银色高跟鞋 Silver Stiletto剧照图片集锦,银色高跟鞋 Silver Stiletto剧照图片合集. Two men are found dead in a dumpster outside of a well known gay bar and their wounds suggest the actions of a trained killer. There are no witnesses and no evidence. Detective Alexis Morgan has a crazy theory. Could the disheveled drag-queen Dorothy be responsible?