Originally from Germany, Pat Knorpp has lived most of her life in Asia, which might explain why her first foray into Art came in the form of traditional Chinese brush painting. Six years of training in the intricacies of classical Chinese painting with Master Chen Bing Sun proved to be a wonderful foundation for her later switch to (Western) watercolours.
Pat finds inspiration for her works wherever she is - in everyday life as well as during her travels in Europe and Asia. Over a career spanning more than three decades, Pat has exhibited her work in the Philippines, in Singapore and in France.
让·奥古斯特·多米尼克·安格尔(Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres,1780—1867),出生于法国蒙托邦(Montauban),画家。他深刻地研究了文艺复兴时期意大利古典大师们的作品,尤其推崇拉斐尔·桑西。经过达维特和意大利古典传统的教育,安格尔对古典法则的理解更为深刻,当达维特流亡比利时之后,他便成为法国新古典主义的旗手,与浪漫主义相抗衡。