影片的具体故事情节仍然处于保密状态,但据发行方透露,《我如此兴奋》是一部类似于《对她说》的情景喜剧,影片的主要场景都发生在飞机机舱内,从这段不足一分钟的预告片来看,故事主要发生在三位男性空乘人员和形形色色的乘客之间。预告片中最亮的是一段歌舞段落,三位环肥燕瘦的大叔伴随着The Pointer Sisters的《I'm So Excited》(影片的片名也是来自于这首歌),跳出挑逗性感又不失雷囧的动作,非常喜感。不知道这段是否是片中唯一的舞蹈段落,抑或影片将以歌舞片的形式来呈现?《我如此兴奋》影片风格轻松、艳丽而幽默,在连续执导了两部重口味的惊悚片《吾栖之肤》、《破碎的拥抱》之后,阿尔莫多瓦又回
奥尔莫与海鸥 Olmo & the Seagull剧照图片集锦,奥尔莫与海鸥 Olmo & the Seagull剧照图片合集. 'Olmo and the Seagull' is a poetic and existential dive into an actress's mind during the nine months of her pregnancy as she must confront her most fiery inner demons while trying to rewrite a new philosophy of life, identity and love. Underlying this hybrid film is mounting tension over what is real and what is enacted when one is performing one's own life.