乔治和AJ George and A.J.剧照图片集锦,乔治和AJ George and A.J.剧照图片合集. 阳光明媚的一天,Shady Oaks老人院的护工乔治和AJ来到卡尔老爷爷(Steve Purcell 配音)的家接他。卡尔应付几句,转身进屋。二人百无聊赖,神情轻松,却不知道一个前所未见的奇景出现在他们面前。卡尔爷爷那座刚刚还稳若泰山的房子竟然被数以千计的彩色气球带上天空,乘风而去。乔治和AJ呆若木鸡,瞠目结舌,久久无法恢复正常。卡尔爷爷的奇事上了电视,在全国老人的心中引起共鸣。不过这可苦了乔治和AJ这对倒霉搭档,接下来的日子里,他们将面对更多想象力十足的飞屋事件
乔治 卡林:王者归来 George Carlin: Back in Town剧照图片集锦,乔治 卡林:王者归来 George Carlin: Back in Town剧照图片合集. George Carlin brings his comedy stylings to the Beacon theater in New York City. He rants about Abortion, The death penalty, prison farms, fart jokes, free floating hostility and words.
发掘真相赶快跑:乔治-塞尔兹与美国媒介 Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press剧照图片集锦,发掘真相赶快跑:乔治-塞尔兹与美国媒介 Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press剧照图片合集.