这儿的树 Trees Down Here剧照图片集锦,这儿的树 Trees Down Here剧照图片合集. In this short film of Cowan Court, Rivers has turned his camera onto the interactions between architecture and landscape within which the students of Churchill College, University of Cambridge live and work.
神奇的月球 Wonders of the Moon剧照图片集锦,神奇的月球 Wonders of the Moon剧照图片合集. 血月、超级月亮和月全食。bilibili & BBC联合出品的《神奇的月球》带你探索月球之美,了解它对我们自然世界的影响。 夜间拍摄月亮很难,但是,新式的低照度摄影机和数码望远镜终于能捕捉到在自然光下、以全球美景为衬的月球的面貌。 潜入南太*洋的深海,珊瑚礁和月相同步生长。亲身体验香港的中秋节,整座城市如何中了月亮的魔咒;看月全食把美国的白天变成黑夜。 在这场奇妙的月球探险中,从全新的角度欣赏神奇的月球。
身体树 The Body Tree剧照图片集锦,身体树 The Body Tree剧照图片合集. When a group of Americans travel to Russian Siberia to honor the memory of their murdered friend, they uncover a plot that threatens all their lives.