昵称 ArseniXC
个人网页 http://arsenixc.deviantart.com/
性别 男性
私人标签 Action_animatic Steam_Fanrasy Summer_camp XC_team バス番号四百十
年龄 27歳
出生日期 04月27日
职业 その他
Twitter ArsXC
自我介绍 Hi my name Arseniy. I'm from Russia, work at one of Russian TV chanels in production dep. as backgrounds artist, 3d modeller.
The themes in Audrey Kawasaki's work are contradictions within themselves. Her work is both innocent and erotic. Each subject is attractive yet disturbing. Audrey's precise technical style is at once influenced by both manga comics and Art Nouveau. Her sharp graphic imagery is combined with the natural grain of the wood panels she paints on, bringing an unexpected warmth to enigmatic subject matter.
The figures she paints are seductive and contain an air of melancholy. They exist in their own sensually esoteric realm, yet at the same time present a sense of accessibility that draws the observer to them. These mysterious young women captivate with the direct stare of their bedroom eyes.
2 years Pratt Institute, Brooklyn - Fine Arts Painting
Audrey updates her online journal frequently with new work, pieces in progress, information about shows and more.
Click here to visit Aud's Journal. http://i_seldom_do.livejournal.com/
人类发现 Human Discoveries剧照图片集锦,人类发现 Human Discoveries剧照图片合集. 扎克·埃夫隆和安娜·肯德里克将主演Facebook动画剧集《人类发现》(Human Discoveries),今年晚些时候播出。讲述一群生活在人类文明初期的朋友们的故事,他们是第一个发现像火和轮子这样的必需品的人,他们一起也偶然发现了人类最好和最坏的创新,包括艺术、酒精、时尚、种族主义、闲聊,和让他们困惑的一夫一妻制。