说起圣诞节,和lolita洋装简直再合适不过了,精致的妆容配上华丽可爱的小裙子,简直就是人群中一道最亮丽的风景线,下面小编为大家推荐几款适合圣诞的lolita裙子AngelicPretty圣诞节的ap当然也是甜甜的风格,这条Candy Carol把各种圣诞元素都放到柄图里啦~Alice and the Pirates雪花当然是圣诞节最重要的元素之一,这条雪国列车准备发车带你去看雪景咯!娜塔莉绝对是cla娘的圣诞top1,点缀在裙摆边的红绿格纹丝带优雅中不失俏皮。Royal Princess Alice这条Sacred Night Fairy Tale柄图上是圣诞雪夜的十字架和花环鹿,真是超级具
圣诞传说 Рождество剧照图片集锦,圣诞传说 Рождество剧照图片合集. This short film tells the story of Jesus' birth without being sentimental. It uses a quite simple style of animation and no words. Yet, the end product is sim*** amazing. The film itself is mostly sepia-toned or sepia wash over color. As for the art style, it looks almost like folk art, but it also is quite complex because there is ...