美丽的伪证 Her Alibi剧照图片集锦,美丽的伪证 Her Alibi剧照图片合集. 一名悬疑小说作家,刚被妻子抛弃,他想藉由法庭的审案过程获取灵感创作一部小说,不料却阴差阳错地认识了正以谋杀罪被起诉的保利纳,并迅速陷入了她的感情陷阱之中,自愿提供她不在谋杀现场的伪证,还邀她回家里居住,以便针对她进行新书的创作。在保利纳美丽的外表下,到底是不是一个包藏祸心的蛇蝎美人呢?
蛇蝎夫人 Lady of Csejte剧照图片集锦,蛇蝎夫人 Lady of Csejte剧照图片合集. Based on a story of Countess Bathory, a serial killer in 16th century Transylvania who supposedly killed hundreds of children.
蛇蝎姊妹花 Historia de una traición剧照图片集锦,蛇蝎姊妹花 Historia de una traición剧照图片合集. A seductive woman gets involved in relationships with several people. All of the characters play games of deceit with one another and things get more and more dangerous.