天火焚城录 Sodom and Gomorrah剧照图片集锦,天火焚城录 Sodom and Gomorrah剧照图片合集. 以圣经中的两个著名的罪恶之城所多玛与蛾摩拉为故事背景,描述所多玛女王之弟亚斯托洛计划推翻其姐的统治,将该城建为盖世帝国,于是让女王将城外之河谷卖予牧人罗得。罗得建水坝,将荒漠变绿洲。当外族的海拉麦人前来攻击时,被希伯来人以火攻及水淹之下一败涂地,罗得因而成为所多玛法官及第一任首相。但女王因奴隶问题陷害罗得,上帝要罗得带希伯来人出走,然后以天火毁灭所多玛。
饥饿传说 The Hungry剧照图片集锦,饥饿传说 The Hungry剧照图片合集. An adaptation of William Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus set in contemporary New Delhi. The Hungry is a contemporary retelling of Shakespearian tragedy Titus Andronicus, set in the extravagant surroundings of an Indian wedding whilst exploring the role of the patriarch and corruption in Indian politics and big business.