正义的记忆 The Memory of Justice剧照图片集锦,正义的记忆 The Memory of Justice剧照图片合集. Explores the subject of atrocities during wartime, especially during World War II and the Vietnam War.@www.lightyear.club
美国正义联盟 Justice League of America剧照图片集锦,美国正义联盟 Justice League of America剧照图片合集. 一个邪恶的气象人员,故意制造了一连串气象异常引起的灾难,企图藉以毁灭大都会,我们美国的正义特遣队能拯救世界力挽狂澜吗?他们当然办得到,因为当我们最喜爱的漫画人物如闪电侠、绿巨人、原子能超人和火人出动时,只怕任谁也伤害不了大都会,这部电影绝对深受孩子和有童心的大人喜爱。
正义之心 The Heart of Justice剧照图片集锦,正义之心 The Heart of Justice剧照图片合集. David Leader investigates a seemingly senseless murder, and in the course of it is drawn into the labyrinth of a sinisterly unique wealthy family. The family seems to revolve around its own beautiful and mysterious daughter, Emma Burgess, and soon Leader is dee*** within her orbit as well.
街头的正义 Street Corner Justice剧照图片集锦,街头的正义 Street Corner Justice剧照图片合集. 退休**重返故里,原想从此过着*静的生活,但当她回到故乡,却发现街坊邻居深受犯罪份子威胁,于是她决定挺身而出,号召当地民众勿再容忍黑帮恶行,她将率众伸张正义,帮助镇民夺回街坊**。
正义降临 Gabbar is Back剧照图片集锦,正义降临 Gabbar is Back剧照图片合集. 警察贾巴尔创建了自己专属的民间反腐信息网络,命名为反腐力量(ACF),有系统地打击来自各行各业的腐败人员。警察系统和**察觉到这一情况后,并僱佣了一名叫做Balbir Singh的神秘男子与他对抗。