黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park)简称黄石公园,坐落于美国怀俄明州、蒙大拿州和爱达荷州的交界处,大部分位于美国怀俄明州境内,于1872年3月1日美国总统尤利西斯·辛普森·格兰特签署国会通过的法案后建立,是世界上第一个国家公园。黄石公园以其丰富的野生动物种类和地热资源闻名,老忠实间歇泉更是其中最富盛名的景点之一。公园中有着多种类型的生态系统,其中以亚高山带森林为主。
杰克逊:美国梦 The Jacksons:An American Dream剧照图片集锦,杰克逊:美国梦 The Jacksons:An American Dream剧照图片合集. The Jacksons are your average working-class family in Gary, Indiana; but when their father discovers the kids have an extraordinary musical talent they form a band. Winning talent show after talent show they soon hit it big when Motown calls. From there they become the now famous Jackson 5. But along the way their success brings trouble and turmoil