普纳凯基(Punakaiki)是新西兰南岛西岸的一个小社区,位于帕帕罗瓦国家公园(Paparoa National Park)边上。普纳凯基千层饼岩石与喷水洞Punakaiki Pancake Rock & Blowhole,这个距离格雷茅斯40分钟车程的小村庄是西岸一个著名的景点,几乎所有来到这里的人都是为了来看大自然的神作——像千层饼一样的石头和能将海水向上喷出几十米高的岩洞。新西兰自然保护局很可爱地用“自然千层饼菜谱”来形容并介绍这些千层饼石头形成的过程,这些由于风化和海水侵蚀造就的美景,展现了大自然的鬼斧神工。
罗密尔和朱格尔 Romil and Jugal剧照图片集锦,罗密尔和朱格尔 Romil and Jugal剧照图片合集.br >Punjabi playboy Romil and shy Tam-Brahm Jugal are the new Romeo and Juliet. But what happens when their fighting families and orthodox society find out? A funky twist on the greatest love story of all time, this young and never-seen-before rom-com version is filled with masti, masala, emotion, laughter, songs, and drama that is guaranteed to leave you hooked for more.