《中土守护者(Guardians of Middle Earth)》是一款将在主机上运行的多人联机在线竞技游戏,现在此类型游戏多见于PC上,比较著名的有DOTA和LOL。《中土守护者》也将成为首个让“DOTA”式游戏类型摆脱PC独占命运的游戏。游戏是以《指环王》为故事背景,玩家将可以扮演魔法师甘道夫、咕噜和魔王索伦等人物,而且之后陆续加入更多游戏角色,比如霍比特人。
黑桃皇后2:鬼镜 Пиковая дама: Зазеркалье剧照图片集锦,黑桃皇后2:鬼镜 Пиковая дама: Зазеркалье剧照图片合集. The building of the former children's shelter, where a certain obsessed woman once killed children, is now located in a private lyceum. The lyceum not only works, but also lives with her young son a young teacher. Soon the ghost of a murderous woman, still eager for death, begins to hunt the mother and her child.